Friday, October 4, 2013



Terlajak perahu boleh diundur,

Terlajak kereta pun boleh undur,
Terlajak kapal terbang takde gear reverse la pulak.

Bersatu kita teguh,
Bercerai kita kahwin lain.

Sudahlah jatuh ditimpa tangga,
Tertempek pula taik ayam. 

Harimau mati meninggalkan belang,
Isteri mati meninggalkan gelang,
Suami mati meninggalkan hutang (Tu la, jangan suruh suami beli gelang secara hutang)

Biar putih tulang,
Jangan kuning gigi.

Kalau tiada angin masakan pokok bergoyang
kecuali ada beruk atas pokok tu.

Malang tidak berbau tapi kentut boleh berbau walaupun tidak berbunyi.

Biar mati bini, Jangan mati anak ( Boleh kahwin lain ape)

Berakit2 kehulu, berenang2 ketepian,
Lama2 penat juga.

Harapkan pagar, 
Pagar pun tak leh harap.

Hujan emas di negeri orang,
hujan batu di negeri sendiri,
Kalau macam tu baik tak yah hujan.

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mr Bean Masuk Islam ?

Mr Bean Masuk Islam?

Berita menggemparkan Rowan Atkinson atau lebih dikenali sebagai ‘Mr Bean’ telah memeluk Islam pada 1 Oktober lalu , kini tersebar ke seluruh dunia melalui laman web dan media sosial.

Berita ini dilaporkan oleh dan salah satu media Israel kedua media tersebut , Mr Bean menjelaskan penyebab utama beliau memilih Islam setelah menonton filem Innocent of Muslim, film yang membuat fitnah dan menghina Nabi Muhammad.

Mr Bean tidak banyak berbicara ketika ditanya media, hanya mengangkat satu jari saja sebagai isyarat dia telah bersyahadah. Menurut beberapa sumber portal media, disebutkan Sheikh Rashid Ghannousyi pemimpin parti An Nahdah dari Tunisia adalah salah seorang pembimbing Mr Bean.

Mr Bean terkenal dalam serial komedinya di samping beberapa buah film Box office termasuk Johnny English 1 & 2. Hingga kini, media-media mainstream di United Kingdom Inggris masih belum menyiarkan berita ini walaupun media Arab sudah sangat heboh membahasnya.

Walaupon berita ini masih tidak sahih dan tidak ada bukti yang kukuh menunjukkan bahawa Mr. Bean sudah “berhijrah”, namun tidak mustahil sekiranya Mr. Bean juga boleh dapat hidayah Allah untuk memeluk Islam. Kita harus juga saling berdoa agar orang zaman sekarang ni melihat atau nampak apa yang benar dan apa yang tidak.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Shila Amzah Menjadi Mangsa Keganasan Lelaki

Shila Amzah Mengaku Pernah Menjadi Mangsa Keganasan Lelaki?

Ini yang buat ramai ingin membuka cerita lama. Satu status Shila Amzah di akaun Twitter beliau baru baru ini mengundang persoalan sama ada benar penyanyi ini pernah di’kasari oleh individu yang pernah rapat dengan dirinya dahulu.

“Takut nak tengok Bencinta. Tapi teringin nak tengok Kak Nora (Danish) berlakon macam tu — takut terbayang-bayang. Been there. Esoklah gagahkan diri,” tulis Shila Amzah.

Shila Amzah yang dihubungi portal GUA baru baru ini mengakui yang beliau pernah menjalani situasi seperti jalan cerita filem Bencinta dimana watak Nora Danish menjadi mangsa keganasan seorang suami lakonan Farid Kamil.

“Saya kemaskini status demikian kerana saya pernah mengalami situasi tersebut. Saya masih trauma dengan keadaan itu,” jelas beliau tentang status tersebut.

Dek kerana Shila Amzah tidak pernah berkahwin, ramai peminat mula berspekulasi yang situasi yang pernah dialami penyanyi ini melibatkan kekasih lamanya yang mana perpisahan mereka menjadi bualan ramai tidak lama dahulu.
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I'm A Loner - C.N Blue

Lyric - I'm A Loner by C.N Blue (english translation)

Assalamu’alaikum, Annyeong Haseyo ^_^ today, emei would like to share one of emei’s fav Korean song which is “ I’m a loner ” by C.N Blue , of course this song is a Korean dub , so it is difficult to us to understand the meaning of this song, now emei had prepared to you guys the lyric with English translation so that we can feel the song more deeply ^_^ please do enjoy it yeah !!!

 (I'm a Loner - C.N Blue)

(I’m a loner. I’m a loner.
I’m a loner. I’m a loner.)
Look, look at me, me. Look at me straight in the eyes.
Look, you are already look at elsewhere.
Check it one two three, you only keep looking at the clock.
You don’t have to tell me. I know you got someone else.
You’ve been meeting someone else often lately.
You don’t even call me first anymore.
When you are with me, you would only look at the sky even if a day is a second long.
Oh~ I know your mind. The distance between you and I.
Getting farther and wider. We are no better than strangers.
# oh baby I’m a loner, I’m a loner. daridiridara du~ I’m a loner. I’m a loner. daridiridara du~
I’m a loner, I’m a loner. I’m a loner being sad at love, shedding tear atlove. sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight. My heart hurts.
Oh no no no no no body knows, how I feel.
one two three four five six seven night, I’m cheering up myself passing many nights awake.
(Rap) If you had just told me honestly
that you got someone else. That you hate me.
Then I wouldn’t have hated you to death.
check it one two three. Remembering your words, they are all silly lies.
# Repeat
Love is going. Love is leaving.
(One person and one love. Everything that I’ve been used to)
I should erase you after tonight.
(Yes, I should force myself to erase you. I should do so since you abandoned me)
(Gone Gone my love is gone)
I’m a loner, I’m a loner. daridiridara du~ I’m a loner, I’m a loner. daridiridara du~
I’m a loner, I’m a loner. I’m a loner hurt by love and waiting for love.
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad tonight, I want this to be a dream.
Oh no no no no no body knows, no body knows me.
one two three four five six seven night, I’m crying passing many nights awake.

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Monday, September 30, 2013

No. Plate Malaysia Mengikut Negeri

Permulaan Huruf Pendaftaran Kenderaan Mengikut Negeri

Assalam kawan2, harini emei terasa nak share tentang urutan nombor plate kenderaan mengikut negeri, hahahaha sampai sekarang emei yakin ada juga rakyat Malaysia yang masih tak tahu awal huruf no.plate tu mewakil dari negeri mana kan ? ^_^ sebenarnya emei pun kurang tahu, so jomlah kita melihat huruf2 ini mewakili negeri apa.

A = Negeri Perak

B = Selangor

C = Pahang

D = Kelantan

E = Sabah-Sebelum tahun 1980-an

EJ: Jesselton (Sekarang Kota Kinabalu sejak 1968)

ES: Sandakan

ET: Tawau

ED: Lahad Datu

EU: Keningau

EK: Kudat

EL: Labuan

F = -tiada-

G = -tiada-

H = Teksi

I = -tiada-

J = Johor

K = Kedah

KV = Langkawi

L = Labuan

M = Melaka

N = Negeri Sembilan

O = -tiada-

P = Pulau Pinang

Q = Sarawak

QA dan QK: Kuching

QB: Sri Aman

QC: Samarahan

QL: Limbang

QM: Miri

QP: Kapit

QR: Sarikei

QS: Sibu

QT: Bintulu

R = Perlis

S = Sabah, dulu E

SA: Kota Kinabalu

SB: Beaufort

SD: Lahad Datu

SK: Kudat

SS: Sandakan

ST: Tawau

SU: Keningau

T = Terengganu

U = -tiada-

V = -tiada-

W = Kuala Lumpur

X = -tiada-

Y = -tiada-

Z = Tentera

Z: Pemerintah Tertinggi Tentera Malaysia

ZA ke ZD: Tentera

ZL: Tentera Laut Malaysia

ZU: Tentera Udara Malaysia

ZZ: Kegunaan staf Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia

JMF: Askar Timbalan Setia Negeri Johor

* sekarang ni kalau tak salah, hanya di KL no.plate bermula dengan “W” sudah pun habis dan sekarang sudah ganti di perbaharui dengan meletakkan huruf “A” di belakang nombor, contohnya “WAA 5683 A”
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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Pantai Tercantik di Asia Tenggara 2013

Pantai Tercantik di Asia Tenggara 2013

Assalamu'alaikum kawan2, harini hambe nak share sedikit tentang keindahan pulau2 yang terdapat di Asia Tenggara sahaja, Masha Allah sungguh cantik ciptaan yang Maha Kuasa ^_^ Dalam Islam hanya menghayati keindahan alam seperti laut dan gunung sambil mengagungkan kebesaran Allah s.w.t juga dapat pahala free2 tau ! Daripada Aisyah bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Melihat pada tiga perkara adalah ibadah. Melihat wajah ibu bapa, melihat al-Quran dan melihat lautan." - (Riwayat Abu Nuaim) dan ditambah dengan "Melihat Ka'abah". (Riwayat Abu Daud).

Hmmm, niat tu kena betul juga, jangan tiba2 sedang melihat keindahan laut skaligus “mencuci mata” skali -_- tak pasal2 dapat dosa pulak. Oklah taknak cerita pasal pahala dosa ni, lari tajuk pulak, baru2 ni hambe berangan2 nanti nak pergi honeymoon di pantai ^_^ hehehe , cari2 di internet terjumpa senarai pantai tercantik di dunia “ World’s 100 best beaches” yang dinobatkan / disenaraikan oleh CNN. WOW !!! boleh tahan dalam senarai 100 pantai tu terdapat 6 Negara yang mewakili Asia Tenggara iaitu Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam dan Sri Lanka. ok ini senarai Pantai yang cantik mengikut ranking :

93. Long Beach, Phu Quoc, Vietnam.

86. An Bang Beach, Hoi An, Vietnam.

84. Puka Beach, Boracay, Philippines.

79. Unawatuna, Sri Lanka.

63. Pulau Derawan, Indonesia.

62. Haad Rin, Ko Pha Ngan, Thailand.

55. Phra Nang Beach, Railay, Thailand.

49. Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi, Malaysia.

39. Canggu Beach, Bali, Indonesia.

28. Sunrise Beach, Koh Lipe, Thailand.

21. Juara Beach, Tioman Island, Malaysia.

19. Maya Bay, Ko Phi Phi, Thailand.

17. Nihiwatu Beach, Sumba, Indonesia.

14. El Nido, Palawan, Philippines.

13. Pulau Perhentian Kecil, Malaysia.

10. Palaui Island, Cagayan Valley, Philippines.

* Ini baru Pantai, belum lagi Pulau, kalau pulau hambe percaya Malaysia dan negara2 Asia Tenggara mempunyai Pulau Tercantik, Terutama Indonesia adalah salah satu Negara yang mempunyai banyak Pulau yang Tercantik boleh di kategorikan dalam senarai Dunia.

* Kalau nak pergi honeymoon, pikir2 pergi ke Malaysia dan Indonesia jelah, sebab mudah nak berkomunikasi J murah pun murah . ok thanks kerana sudi singgah dan membaca blog hambe and please leave a comment ^_^ ya .

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hero of Muslim Asmaa El - Beltagi

Hero of Muslim - Asmaa el Beltagi 

Assalamu'alaikum to all the servant of God, I would like to share a true story about the current issue which is martyrs Asmaa el- Beltagi, May Allah repay her kindness and place her to Heaven Insya Allah.

Smart girl 17 year old has a bright future , but due to the cruel actions of the Egyptian army she could not realize her ambitions .

Asmaa el- Beltagi , single daughters to the Secretary General of the Muslim Brotherhood movement , Mohammed Beltagi was one of 525 martyrs after government authorities while acting raided two camps of protesters in the capital, August 14.

Before the incident she was shot , the thick -spirited teenager managed to shout words of encouragement : Do not move ! Victory will favor us soon. Do not let the military finish this revolution !

When the army launched an operation to evict the former supporters of ousted president , Mohammed Mursi , Asmaa with her mother is helping victims injured in a tent placed near Rabaa Al- Adawiya Square .

Although still teens , character and attitude reflect her behavior as a mature girl . Asmaa is not afraid of a military threat , she continued to help her brother were injured teenager eventually collapsed near the podium in the square after being shot in the chest and back.

According to her brother , Asmaa died because they could not undergo a blood transfusion due to her injuries. Dream to study in medical school and joined global relief activities had end.

Asmaa has also aspired to join the humanitarian mission , Freedom Flotilla Mavi Marmara ride with her father . Best friend , Yousef stated Asmaa Ethar be responsible for volunteer (the human spirit to participate in peaceful demonstrations protesting the military coup) .

" She believes , people will suffer if the army returned back to rule the country," she said.

Asmaa also actively participate in a series of protests held in the country since the revolutionary uprising in 2011 . On July 3, Asmaa determined to stay Rabaa Al- Adawiya Square after General Abdel Fattah al - Sisi announced the coup that overthrew Mursi .

The girl always hold the Quran and in the presence of her father to give moral support . An hour before the heartbreaking incident , Asmaa be worked grease collecting bricks used by her brother to build barriers on the square.

However , the restructuring task undertaken by the organizers apparently have been her last fight . Asmaa also briefly last status update on Facebook : " They killed us in the moment we are bowing and prostration , Pray , O servant of Allah , may come support the team like waves in the ocean , "
In addition, the message also displays the final via Twitter : " Yes Lord , we have no one but Thee, O God, "

To commemorate the struggle Asmaa , some good friends have launched specific accounts on social networking sites including symbols R4BIA specially dedicated to the iconic Turkish activists revolution .

To my lovely daughter Asma el- Beltagy ,

I  did not say goodbye to you because tomorrow we will meet again .
You have dedicated your life to fight tyranny to rebuild the country.
I  did not get enough time to spend with you especially when I’m  not allowed to keep you company .
The last time we were sitting on Rabaa Al Adawiya Square , you asked me, " Even if you with us, you are always busy , " and I  said “Life is too short to enjoy,

So , I  prayed to Allah that we shall be able to enjoy life together in heaven , "
Two days before you killed , I  saw you wearing a white wedding dress that enhances your beauty .
At that time, I  asked, " Is this the night your marriage ? " You answer , "No dad , it will be ' held ' in the afternoon . "
After receiving the news that you died in the afternoon ( August 14 ), then now I  understand the meaning of the dreams .

Your death as a martyr has further strengthened the belief that we are on the right side.
O my daughter , until now , I  felt very sad for not being able to see you for the last time , never able to kiss your forehead and your funeral prayers. .
With the name of Allah , I do not attend is not because of fear of the threat  around but i had vowed to continue and finish our fight .

Finally , my dear daughter ,
I  will not say goodbye because we'll probably meet again in heaven and I  hope this prayer be answered ALLAH , GOD willing .

Your Father : Mohammed Beltagi

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